Marianne Clark
Assistant Professor
Office: AAC 384
- Research Methods in Kinesiology
- Historical aspects of physical activity and sport in Canada
- Sociological Aspects of Physical Activity and Sport
Scholarly Expertise
- Sociological Perspectives of Health and Physical Activity
- Digital Sociology and Media Studies
- Gender and the Body
- Qualitative Research Methods
- Clark, M. & Lupton, D.L. (2022). Beyond mundane software: How mobile health apps come to matter in everyday life. Online Information Review.
- Clark, M., Southerton, C., & Driller, M. (2022). Digital self-tracking for health and the myth of discontinuance: ‘It doesn’t just stop’. New Media + Society. Online first.
- Clark, M. & Lupton, D.L. (2021).Pandemic fitness assemblages: The sociomaterialities and affective dimensions of exercising at home during the COVID-19 crisis Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 27(5), 2222-2237.
- Clark, M. (2021). Signs, beaches and bodies in pandemic times. Media International Australia, 178(1), 8-15.
- Brice, J., Clark, M., & Thorpe, H. (2021). Feminist collaborative becomings: An entangled process of knowing through fitness objects. Qualitative Research in Health, Sport, and Exercise, 13(5), 763-780.
- Clark, M. (December, 2021). Next stop the pelvic floor: The emergence of mobile apps and insertables for promoting pelvic floor health. Paper presented at the Digital Intimacies Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
- Clark, M. (June, 2021). Digital photo diaries as method for embodied meaning-making. Hands-on workshop delivered as part of the Creative, Digital and Embodied Methods for Social Inquiry Workshop, University of Newcastle.
- Clark, M. (June, 2021). Swimming, sensing and situatedness: Moving to make meaning during COVID-19. Paper presented at the Australian Science and Technology Studies Graduate Network Interdisciplinary Workshop.
- Clark, M. (November 2020). How movement comes to matter: Exploring the sensory atmospheres and embodied affects of digitally mediated physical activity during COVID-19. Paper presented at The Australian Sociological Association conference thematic session ‘Pandemic Atmospherics, Material Cultures and Sensory Practices: Everyday Life under COVID’, Sydney, Australia.
- Clark, M. & Lupton, D.L. (December 2020). Crisis and the body: the digital health entanglements of COVID-19. Paper presented at Digital Intimacies 2020 ‘Connection in Crisis’, Sydney, Australia.
Curriculum Vitae