Chris Shields
Email Chris
Ph: 902-585-1319
Office: AAC 487.5
- Sabbatical (July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023)
- Physical Activity Promotion for Youth and Adolescents (KINE 4753 through Open Acadia)
Scholarly Expertise
-exercise psychology
-professional-patient interactions
-youth sport
-chronic disease management
-body image
Community Service
-Diabetes Canada – Clinical Practice Guidelines Dissemination and Implementation - National Working Group
- CIHR - Working Group on Health Research Training
-President – Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology
-Received Heart and Stroke Outstanding Volunteer Award (2017)
-Received Diabetes Care Program of Nova Scotia Dedicated Leader Award (2016)
- Gray, E., Shields, C., & Fowles, J.R. (accepted). Building Competency and Capacity for Effective Physical Activity Promotion in Diabetes Care in Canada. Canadian Journal of Diabetes ®
- Gyurcsik, N. Shields, C. Cary, M. A., & Brawley, L. R. (accepted). Physical Activity for Arthritis and Diabetes: Psychological Aspects of Self-Management Behavior for People with Chronic Disease. In A. Smith & T. Horm (Eds). Advances in Sport and Exercise Psychology 4th ed.
- Bruner, M.W., Balish, S, Forrest, C., Brown, S., Webber, K., Gray, E., McGuckin, M., Keats, M.R., Rehman, L., & Shields, C. (2017). Ties that Bond: Youth Sport as a Vehicle for Social Identity and Positive Youth Development. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. DOI: 10.1080/02701367.2017.1296100®
- Bourne, J., Liu, Y., Shields, C., Jackson, B., Zumbo, B. D., & Beauchamp, M.R. (2015). The Relationship Between Transformational Teaching and Adolescent Physical Activity: The Mediating Roles of Personal and Relational Efficacy Beliefs. Journal of Health Psychology, 20, 132-143. ®
- Shields, C.A., Fowles, J.R., Dunbar, P., Barron, B., McQuaid, S., & Dillman, C.J. (2013). Increasing Diabetes Educators’ confidence in exercise counseling: The effectiveness of the ‘Physical Activity and Exercise Tool-kit’. Canadian Journal of Diabetes. ®
- Matheson, L., O’Bertos, S., Carew, R., Holmberg, D., & Shields, C. (June, 2017). Support and coping in cardiac rehabilitation: An examination of protective buffering, overprotection and active engagement. Poster presented at the meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, ON
- Shields, C., Pitter, R., & Dithurbide, L. (October, 2016). TSN – The Social Network: Parents’ perspectives on youth sport in an era of specialized sport opportunities. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology and the Canadian Society, Kitchener, ON
- O’Brien, M., Shields, C., Yungblut, S., & Fowles, J. (October, 2016). Opposition and opportunity: Reported challenges and changes to practice within the context of the Exercise is Medicine Canada initiative. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology and the Canadian Society, Kitchener, ON
- Shields, C. A., Fowles, J., O’Brien, M., Yungblut, S., Fortier, M., & Oh, P. (Oct., 2015). Exercise is Medicine Canada: Early but important signs of the effectiveness of this national initiative. Paper presented as part of a symposium entitled “The face of emerging physical activity promotion initiatives across the country: something for everyone, everywhere.” to the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology, Edmonton, AB. Other presenters include K. Arbour-Nicotopolous (University of Toronto), M. Jung (University of British Columbia), S. Johnson (Athabasca University), L. Frank (Leduc Beaumont Devon Primary Care Network).
- Webber, K.L., Rehman, L., Balish, S. M., Brown, S., Forrest, C., Gray, E., McGuckin, M., Bruner, M.W*., Keats, M*., Shields, C* (Sept. 2014). Is it the end of spontaneity? Exploring supports and challenges to providing successful experiences for overweight children in sport. Paper presented at the World Leisure Congress: Mobile: Alabama.
* = These authors are listed alphabetically
Curriculum Vitae